Célébration des 20 ans du jumelage Grenoble – Phoenix


Célébration des 20 ans du jumelage Grenoble - Phoenix
Intervention d’Hakima Necib lors de la visite du musée de Grenoble par la délégation de Phoenix à l’occasion de la célébration des 20 ans du jumelage Grenoble – Phoenix

En 1990, forte d’un réseau de villes jumelles tissé de longue date, la Ville de Phoenix se rapproche de plusieurs villes françaises à la rechercher d’ une nouvelle  » jumelle » pour élargir à la France son maillage de villes. Pôle en plein développement démographique et économique, Phoenix est une mégalopole, dont les mensurations semblent en tout point l’éloigner de Grenoble , mais la Ville de Grenoble est choisie !

En 2010 les deux villes célèbrent leur vingt années de relations et d’échanges fructueux, une opportunité pour les grenoblois de découvrir un pays lointain qui pourtant nous ressemble !

Intervention d’Hakima Necib lors de la visite du musée de Grenoble par la délégation de Phoenix suivie d’une présentation de la politique culturelle de cette dernière.

Célébration des 20 ans du jumelage Grenoble - Phoenix
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, I would like to excuse Michel Destot, Member of Parliament and Mayor of Grenoble, who asked me to represent him today as a member of the city council.

My name is Hakima Necib and I’m in charge of cultural projects.

Now, I would like to greet:

Thelda Williams, a woman of opinions and who has been deeply committed to her city council in Phoenix for several mandates and who keeps on fighting against violence towards women, a fight that is close to my heart.

Carol Siedberg, a citizen with a passion for art who is consequently involved in The Art and Culture Committee in Phoenix. You have been appointed to work on this task by the mayor and the city council. You support the artistic and cultural development, all your efforts are united and are stemmed from a strong partnership between economy and culture.

Phoenix, such a mythical and unique city. Arizona and the Grand Canyon which will never stop making us dream and which I only know through the western movies I watched as a young girl with my father. I can’t forget its deserts, cactus and the spring waters from the White Mountains.

You have managed to bring your local and cultural wealth to light: opera, ballet, an archeological museum and the most famous: the heard museum dedicated to First Nations.

Our cities were bound to meet: both are turned to the future, care for our planet through sustainable development and benefit from an economic, social and cultural dynamism.

Ladies and gentlemen, Grenoble is the second city hosting American citizens in France after Paris, which makes you such dear guests. Grenoble is delighted to welcome you to celebrate the twentyth anniversary of our twining.

Thank you